Further Reading

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Supply chain issues plaguing U.K., food shortages worsening

[Natural News]:  Increasing energy costs are driving food prices through the roof in the United Kingdom, where factories are reportedly shutting down as grocery store shelves run bare.

Unless the government changes course, things will only get worse, experts say. And so-called “green” policies are to blame, as is fiat currency inflation, both of which are creating a supply chain disaster.

Commercial production of carbon dioxide has been “shut down,” according to reports, and there are now emergency talks being had between government officials, food producers, retailers, and the energy industry.

There is much talk about an unprecedented “black swan event” occurring, which could deliver a death blow to the already unstable situation.

Two fertilizer plants in northern England are now closed, as are numerous others across Europe. This has left the food and drink industry without the carbon dioxide it needs to produce and transport a range of food products, including meat, bread, beer and fizzy drinks.

“The meat industry estimates that businesses can carry on for less than two weeks before carbon dioxide stocks run out,”...<<<Read More>>>...