Further Reading

Wednesday 15 September 2021

The Media Is BEGGING For A Winter Lockdown

 [Richie Allen]: Heath Secretary Sajid Javid was on media duties this morning. He appeared on the BBC, SKY News, LBC and ITV. As Talk Radio’s Julia Hartley-Brewer is the only national broadcaster challenging Javid’s government’s policies, he declined to go on her show.

Javid was out and about this morning to discuss the government’s Winter Covid and flu plans. He has a Plan A and a Plan B. Broadly speaking Plan A is about jabbing the refuseniks, testing and tracing everyone constantly and easing off the restrictions.

Plan B is, broadly speaking, vaccine passports, local lockdowns and working from home. Plan B will be implemented if Plan A doesn’t prevent the rise of covid cases and hospitalisations.

It’s all a load of old bollox of course. They’re constantly finding cases because perfectly healthy morons continue to come forward to be tested. The thoroughly debunked PCR test has found covid-19 in a ham sandwich. No really, it has. Without testing, covid would disappear.

As for hospitalisations, give me a fucking break. The NHS is currently short 50,000 doctors. Read that again. As I have repeatedly stated here and on the show, bed numbers have been reduced by more than 50 per cent in the last 30 years. Germany has three times the number of hospital beds than the UK.

The NHS isn’t being overwhelmed by Covid or anything else. If you lose tens of thousands of doctors and nurses, if you reduce beds and if the country grows in population each year by a city the size of Cardiff, collapse is inevitable.

Did a single presenter on the legacy media nail Javid with any of those facts this morning? Did they fuck. To a man and woman, they badgered him about rising covid cases and asked him why he isn’t considering reintroducing mask mandates and other restrictions now.

Shame on them. What whores they are.