Further Reading

Thursday, 14 October 2021

12-15 Year-Olds Not Rushing To Be Covid Jabbed – Hurrah!

 Possibly a flaw in the Luciferian plan ... the children might be highly evolved souls and not as easy to brainwash as their parents and the adult population who are walking around in their cognitive dissonance ignorance.

No ... it seems that there is something special about many of the children who've come into incarnation. 

The psychotic parasites have lost touch with their human-ness and think we are all easy to manipulate and coerce with their black magic conjuring. But clearly the kids are not ....

STUFF the face to face learning Comrades Zahawmi and Javid ... education is the entry into your Luciferian control system. It's time schools were scrapped and your control system destroyed.

[Richie Allen]; Here’s some good cheer. Less than 11 per cent of the UK’s 12-15 year-olds have taken up the offer of a covid jab. I know it’s early days but that’s a very good sign. It’s a little over three weeks now since the first group of 12-15 year-olds were given a jab at school.

Head teachers and unions are not happy. Neither is the government. The UK Education Secretary (Zahawi) and the Health Secretary (Javid) yesterday wrote a letter to parents, warning them that face to face learning is at risk if the kids don’t hurry up and have a jab.

Telegraph writer Allison Pearson accused Zahawi and Javid of bullying parents into jabbing their children. Writing in today’s paper she said:

Why should that be? The virus is currently racing like a forest fire through secondary schools. Being vaccinated would not always prevent students being infected or stop them passing it on. With any luck, most kids will have had Covid before half-term and the rest by Christmas. That should give them excellent, long-lasting immunity, which some studies suggest is superior to any bestowed by a jab.

A friend whose two daughters, aged 14 and 12, tested positive said the girls spent 10 days in their bedrooms binge-watching Netflix. They had no symptoms. Neither parent caught Covid despite “lots of cuddles” on the sofa when the kids must have already been infected. “Do they seriously expect them to get vaxxed just for that?” the mum marvelled. “It’s nuts.”

It doesn’t seem to occur to our tunnel-visioned public health experts that many families have arrived at the perfectly legitimate decision to wait and see before exposing their healthy son or daughter to a vaccine which is still waiting for long-term safety data, to protect them against a virus which scarcely affects them.

Excellent stuff Allison. In response to Zahawi and Javid’s threatening letter on Twitter, mum Lisa said:

“Thank you for your letter today. My kids don’t need a vaccine. They need you to put their education first so they can learn what myocarditis is and what a 99.98 per cent survival rate means. Regards, Awake Mum.”

Like I said, good cheer.