Further Reading

Saturday 2 October 2021

Areas with mask mandates seeing highest number of covid deaths

[Natural News]: ) In every place where wearing a mask is “required” by the government, the number of people dying with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is substantially higher compared to places where people have returned back to living their normal, pre-covid lives.

In Oregon, for instance, where wearing a mask is something of a fetish, the number of “active cases” of the Chinese Virus is skyrocketing. Since August 24 when Gov. Kate Brown reinstated a statewide mask mandate, Wuhan Flu cases have soared by 73 percent.

“Cases and hospitalizations are at a record high,” Brown admitted in a statement while also praising masks for being really progressive.

“Masks are a quick and simple tool we can immediately deploy to protect ourselves and our families, and quickly help stop further spread of COVID-19,” she added without providing a shred of proof to back these claims.

The situation is similar in South Korea, another mask haven. Despite 99 percent mask compliance, Fauci Flu cases in the Asian country have seen record highs for the past three months straight.

Singapore is also seeing a spike in new cases thanks to its mask mandate. That country is on day 527 of a continuous mask mandate and 82 percent of its population is now “fully vaccinated,” and yet sicknesses and deaths are higher than they have ever been since the beginning of the plandemic.

“Pretty incredible feat of media gaslighting that no one is asking politicians and experts how they can continue justifying mandates,” tweeted a person who shared these and other statistics for the world to see....<<<Read More>>>...