Further Reading

Thursday 7 October 2021

Did the Fourth Branch of Government Release SARS-CoV-2 Then Blame China

 [Humans Are Free]: So much research has been done, we essentially know the majority of the background details. The SARS-CoV-2 virus commonly known as COVID-19 was made in a lab by scientists.

The virus then went from a lab to the global population in late 2019/early 2020. The epicenter of the outbreak appears to be one of the labs working on the virus in Wuhan, China. Those essential big picture items are no longer debated; although the Chinese government does not agree for obvious reasons.

With the ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ essentially agreed, the question of ‘who’ and ‘why’ remains.

The Chinese have blamed the U.S. Intelligence agencies for releasing the virus. The U.S. Intelligence agencies have said they don’t know who released it or from where. [LINK] The U.S. Intelligence position is weird and obtuse, then again, the Intelligence Community specializes in being weird and obtuse....<<<Read More>>>...