Further Reading

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Dr. Carrie Madej – Covid Shots, DNA, Transhumanism

[David Icke]: Dr Carrie Madej joins journalist, Alex Newman to discuss the transhumanist agenda behind the COVID vaccines. She speaks in a very approachable and straightforward way, that anybody can understand, in what is a deeper éxposé than she previously gave on the Alex Jones show of the transhumanist technologies that are being rolled out upon and within us without our informed consent.

As for SARS-CoV-2 she says, “There’s not been any Freedom of Information Act around the world that has ever produced an actual, bonafide specimen of the virus. It literally does not exist. We only have the code and that’s important to know.

“Nobody has the actual virus. Why is that? They’ve never answered that. So they can’t make the normal vaccine. It’s a recombinant code with a gene synthesis. That means they’re pushing together different types of genetic material, pushing them together like a Frankenstein puzzle and then, to fill in the missing blanks, they have an Artificial Intelligence computing program do that for them.”

What she says is that the shot contains various proteins, some found in the human placenta and sperm that can trigger an autoimmune response in the tissues that have those proteins.

So far, 18 subunits of HIV1 have been in the virus’ genetic code, causing the body to purposely produce the HIV1 virus. “Could this give you HIV or AIDS? Nobody has the answer to that. Only time will tell; years from now, we’ll know. But just know that people who have been tested for HIV after getting these vaccines…in Australia, they have been tested positive. So that is something to be very concerned about.

Also, SARS-CoV-2 (the mathematical model) contains a replica of human chromosome 8, which means that the WHO’s PCR test kits should find a positive result in all humans tested. More worryingly, chromosome 8 has to do with human intelligence and fertility. This means it could trigger an autoimmune response against a chromosome that codes for two of our most precious attributes as humans.