Further Reading

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Government behavioural psychologist and stalwart of the Communist Party Susan Michie wants you to be forced to wear useless masks again to turn you into compliant faceless robots

 This is all an 'act' in a theatre drama. They have no power to do anything unless you comply (Give them your energy and thoughts to manifest their intention). 

It's all black magic, where they cast an intention and then use your energy to make it happen. Don't comply and they have no energy or power. 

[David Icke]: The public must start wearing masks again to stop the spread of Covid, common colds and flu this winter, a Government adviser and public health experts have warned.

Susan Michie, a member of the Government’s scientific advisory board Sage, criticised ministers for failing to enforce the wearing of masks in indoor crowded spaces and said face coverings were vital for keeping people out of the health service over the winter.

She also urged anyone with symptoms “whether it’s cough, cold or flu” to stay at home.

The remarks come as Covid case rates have been averaging at around 37,990 per day over the last week and hit 40,000 on some days. Around 780 people who had Covid have died in the last seven days.

People across the UK have also complained of being struck with a “super cold” with symptoms of chesty coughs, runny noses and sore throats that are hard to shift.

Professor Michie, a Professor of Health Psychology at University College London, told i “we need to keep people out of the health service” over the winter months so that the NHS can work through the backlog of patients.

“That means we need to keep them healthy,” she said. “We keep them healthy by taking more measures to reduce people’s risk of getting infected. It means that if you’ve got symptoms – whether it’s a cough, cold or flu – stay at home.”