Further Reading

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Joanna Lumley Suggests Wartime Rationing Could Solve Climate Crisis

 Another parasite puppet saying what the parasites want the useless eaters to hear. More fear narratives. More gas lighting about the bogus climate change crisis.

If the parasites were to cease the chemtrails and the use of weather modification technology, like HAARP, then the world's weather and climate would calm down.

Instead they are deliberately tampering with the weather, like they always have, to fool the naive and the easily scared into scampering into climate change lockdowns and worse....

Wake up sheep ... this is the herding of you to the abattoir.

[Richie Allen]: Joanna Lumley has said that a return to rationing could help solve the climate crisis. The 75 year-old actress said that eating meat and travelling could be rationed to save the planet.

Speaking to Radio Times Lumley said:

These are tough times and I think there’s got to be legislation. That was how the war was and at some stage we might even have to go back to some kind of rationing, where you’re given a certain number of points and it’s up to you how to spend them – whether it’s buying a bottle of whisky or flying in an aeroplane.”

She said that people could be compelled to cut back on weekend breaks abroad and to move to a plant based diet:

Perhaps people have got to think a bit harder. Maybe more of our holidays should be at home or taking trains, and not hopping on a plane to Magaluf for the weekend.

I don’t get ill because I’m vegetarian. I still have plenty of energy. I am absolutely fine, I gave up meat 45 years ago

When you frame any problem, whether real or imagined as a war, you can justify almost anything right? Remember all that “workers on the front line” nonsense at the beginning of the scamdemic? Remember “the war on covid?”

Didn’t I say last year, that climate lockdowns would be a thing? I said that Sunday driving would be rationed as well as certain foods. This will tie in with the social credit system of course.

Not reducing your meat consumption, your travel, your overall carbon footprint ultimately, will eventually be seen as treachery.

Things are moving very quickly now....<<<Read More>>>>...