Further Reading

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Priti Patel Unveils Pre-Crime Criminal Disruption Prevention Orders


The government is a PLC and therefore a corporation. The 'laws' they make are laws of commerce and ONLY apply to their employees. We are not in their employment therefore they only control us if we consent ... the law of contract is an agreement between both parties. 

The Coronavirus ACT ... its an act. Theatre. It's all a stage play which they are hoping we continue to comply with. There is NO law been made. 


[Richie Allen]:  I’ve been thinking a lot about the Insulate Britain motorway protests. In case you don’t know, Insulate Britain is a climate protest group that has been causing chaos on the UK’s motorways for a couple of weeks now.

Group members have been gluing themselves to roads and blocking tunnels and ports. They want the government to spend billions insulating the nation’s homes so that we’ll all use less energy and save the planet. Yes, they are idiots, but they’re sincere idiots.

I say that, because I think the whole saga looks to me like classic Problem, Reaction, Solution. Today, Home Secretary Priti Patel will outline her government’s plan to deal with disruptive protests. According to the BBC:

Home Secretary Priti Patel will unveil the new Criminal Disruption Prevention Orders at the Conservative conference. A Tory source said the laws would target disruptive activists or those likely to commit crime.

As part of the stricter rules to be unveiled by Ms Patel, police are expected to be given wider stop and search powers allowing officers to inspect activists for “lock on” equipment used to prevent them from being moved.

A Conservative party source said the new Criminal Disruption Prevention Orders would “give the courts the power to prevent an individual with a history of disruption or where there is intelligence suggesting they are likely to commit a criminal offence from attending particular protests”.

How sinister is that? They will target activists “likely to commit a criminal offence.” Really? Pre-crime is here now? Minority Report anyone? I’m beginning to think that the wholly inept police response to Insulate Britain’s motorway protests was deliberate. Were they told to stand down?

Do you remember at the beginning of the motorway disruption, a policewoman was filmed asking the eco-warriors who had glued themselves to one road if they were alright and if they needed anything? It was Vaudeville right? They should’ve been dragged off the roads and locked up.

And here’s the thing. The law as it stands is more than sufficient to deal with idiots who block highways, putting themselves and others at risk. There is absolutely no need for new legislation or new police powers.

It can be argued I think, that the recent chaos was allowed in order to generate the public outrage that we are now seeing. The Insulate Britain members are patsies. They’ve been used. They needn’t worry though. The government is on their side of the climate change scam.

I thought I’d throw it out there. In my opinion, the government isn’t remotely concerned about Insulate Britain. But, they’re obviously concerned about future protests and civil disobedience as they roll out the Great Reset. It’s classic Problem, Reaction, Solution.