Further Reading

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Psycho-Power: ‘Automaton Conformity’ & ‘Freedom’ in a Post-COVID World

 Technocratic parasitic babble babble .... the waffle waffle to try to sell the idea of giving up our human status to become linked to an all consuming A.I computer ...

Just because the anti-creation vermin of the Luciferian brigade want to become immortal in this hell hole and prevent us humans from getting back home.  So we can become their eternal slaves. 

Because when people die from the effects of the death jabs, do you think they will go back home? Nope ... their consciousness will be held in stasis somewhere for when these evil maniacs need them to generate wealth for them.

I don't think so. 

[Waking Times]: The role of biopower from the last century onwards represented a shift into forms of ‘disciplinary power’ over people, as I have discussed in previous New Dawn articles.

The move into industrialisation necessitated a form of bodily discipline to adapt workers to the manner of machinic production. Now that modern societies across the globe are transitioning from industrial to digital life, power is no longer solely over the ‘docile body’ but intra-body – the genetic, programmable cellular life – as well as the conscious life of a person. 

Disciplinary power was all about training the body, subjecting it to drills and rules. However, now control over the ‘docile body’ is expanded to include control over the ‘docile psyche’ – to reach into, influence, and steer the psyches of the population.

Brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and infecting governments worldwide, this new reign of biopower seeks to secure its dominion through a combination of a carefully controlled “administration of bodies,” a calculated “management of life,” and a persistent “programming of consciousness.” 

In the words of Jose Delgado, a professor of neurophysiology at Yale University and a famed mind control researcher: we are shifting into a psychocivilised society.3 In psycho-power, the human being is the target site, including their conscious and unconscious thought patterns....<<<Read More>>>....