Further Reading

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Public Wants Referendum On Government’s Climate Change Plans

[Richie Allen]: An opinion poll suggests that the British public are in favour of a referendum on Boris Johnson’s net zero plan to tackle the so-called climate crisis. A YouGov survey which was carried out earlier this month, found that 42 per cent of adults favoured a vote on the measures, 30 per cent opposed it and 28 percent expressed no preference.

According to The Telegraph:

When the “don’t knows” were excluded from the results, a majority of 58 per cent wanted a ballot on the issue.

The survey showed that of those who expressed a preference, more than 50 per cent of each category polled supported a referendum on net zero. This included 18- to 24-year-olds, middle class voters, Londoners, Remainers, both men and women, and Liberal Democrat backers.

The findings will come as a blow to Boris Johnson just days before the start of the Cop26 climate change summit in Glasgow on Sunday.

There is no climate crisis of course. There’s the weather. There’s always been the weather. If you can stomach it, do watch some of the speeches from Glasgow next week. You’ll notice that none of the politicians or climate scientists will mention the sun.

Not the newspaper, but the sun, the single biggest influence on the climate and on our weather. Read all of the peer-reviewed papers on how a 1.5 degree increase in temperature will have catastrophic consequences for humanity and you’ll notice they’ve all got one thing in common.

Well, two things actually. Firstly, that’s nonsense. A temperature rise of 3 degrees by 2100 would have very little impact on our way of life, but that’s another story. More importantly, none of the doomsday papers mention the sun. Not one. That’s because it is a load of pseudo-scientific garbage.

The climate agenda has nothing to do with preventing warming. It’s part of a wider plan to turn the planet into an open-air prison where every single aspect of our lives is controlled, from dawn til dusk.

So, I doubt very much that Johnson or any future Prime Minister will give the people any say on it. But then, I’ve been wrong before. I didn’t think there would be a referendum on Europe either.