Further Reading

Friday 29 October 2021

The C0v1d-I9 Injection Crusade is clearly about Control, Submission and Deception; not Public Health

[The Expose]:The core, suppressed truth of the past 19 months is this: even without treatment, over 99.98% of uninjected, normal weight people under 70 survive Coronavirus infections; with basic, inexpensive outpatient treatment, even more do.

Yet, for months, Covid-fearing, fire and brimstone preachers have convinced their flocks (of sheep) that Covid guarantees universal, physical damnation and that the injection is the only way to salvation.

This is false. In the UK and Israel, which vaxxed earliest, many of the injected are being hospitalized and dying. While US and state governments are declining to systematically collect, and are suppressing, similar information revealing injection failure.

Even Stevie Wonder could see it: When you believe in things you don’t understand, you suffer; superstition ain’t the way.

Covid has become a religion. American Vaxxers, more accurately labeled “injectors,” believe in something they don’t understand. Injectors don’t understand that the injections don’t resemble conventional, prior vaxxes. They can’t explain the mRNA mechanism by which the injections are said to work. They’re also unaware that the number of near-term post-injection deaths after 9 months of Covid injections exceeds the death tolls from all vaccinations combined over the past 30 years. They know nothing about the long term safety of the injections, nor of data revealing breakthrough deaths in the US and abroad. Nor do they know, after 19 months of media fearmongering, that the vast majority of people are at functionally zero risk from Covid. They watch too much TV.

Nonetheless, most Americans believe in the injections because the injections have been marketed with the halo-effected label, “vaccines.” Many Americans see the injection as a modern, magical talisman, a technological sacrament that enables them to walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Never mind that they would have been fine without the ritualistic injections....<<<Read More>>>...