[Daily OM]: The moment during the day when we
very first open our eyes and come into consciousness is a precious
opportunity. It sets the tone for all that comes after it, like the
opening scene in a film or novel. At this moment, our ability to create
the day is at its most powerful, and we can offer ourselves fully to the
creative process by filling this moment with whatever inspires us most.
It may be that we want to be more generous, or it may be that we want
to be more open to beauty in our daily lives. Whatever the case, if we
bring this vision into our minds at this very fertile moment, we empower
it to be the guiding principle of our day.
Sometimes we wake up with a mood already seemingly in place, and it's
important to give this feeling its due. It can inform us and deepen our
awareness to what's going on inside us, as well as around us. As long as
we are conscious, we can honor this feeling and also introduce our new
affirmation or vision, our conscious offering to the day. We may want to
decide before we go to sleep what we want to bring to the next day of
our lives. It could be that we simply want to be more open to whatever
comes our way. Or we may want to summon a particular quality such as
confidence. Then again, we may simply call up a feeling that perfectly
captures the texture we want our day to have.
We can reaffirm our vision or affirmation as we shower and eat
breakfast, as well as recalling it at various times throughout the day.
We can write it down and carry it with us on a little slip of paper if
this helps. Simply by being aware of those first moments, we set the
stage for a more conscious, enlivened experience, and we become active
participants in the creation of our lives.