Further Reading

Monday, 11 October 2021

The Technocrats’ Virus

 Switch off mobile phones. Switch off the internet. End of technocrat problem. They are relying on your NEED for technology. We didn't have mobile phones and the internet back in the 70's, 80's and 90's and life was so much easier . It was 2001 before I got a mobile phone and my first taste of the internet. How life changed ... for the worst. 

Now its an old model I Phone; a laptop that is 12 years old and no up to date technology. Wired headphones. Wired speakers. I never take my mobile out with me anywhere. It gets turned off at night. 

[Waking Times]: The technocrats needed a virus for the Great Reset and SARS-CoV-2 was the perfect design. Being just a little bit deadly, this virus helped establish a calm and orderly pandemic for which they already had the ‘cure’; the coronavirus vaccine design that was patented in 2017. 

The technocrats’ virus is a new kind of bioweapon that works on many levels but the ultimate goal is total control by way of the global ID.

 Right from the start, the Reset Mafia have worn their hearts on their sleeves, and made it clear they want everyone to get the jabs and the stupid ID and shut the f**k up about 5G. These are important clues about the world they intend to create – they know that most people have a smartphone already, so all they have to do is link it to the ID and they’ll be able to introduce Central Bank Digital Currencies and a Universal Basic Income. The ID has to be linked to a smartphone because it’s got a battery and read/write capabilities. 

This means it can be used to manage the digital credits that’ll probably be doled out for good behaviour, and it also allows privileges to be revoked! Each person will become a node in the Internet of Things, linked and controlled by 5G and the centralized blockchain....<<<Read More>>>....