Further Reading

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Time For Action

A client asked me recently where had I been, what had I been up to and was I getting back into the swing of private readings, demonstrations and workshops again ...

I explained I'd been taking a well earned rest from several decades of spiritual work, when Covid-19 came along and extended my rest period.

In the early days of UK lockdown I did create a zoom group for discussions and meditations. I have partaken in a live zoom mediumship demonstration, which was pleasingly very accurate, but then chose not to partake in any more. 

I've still a number of regular clients, who've been seeing me now for many years; plus the odd  reading is organised. But I've been keeping them to the minimum.

I am busily writing more prosody and semantics which are inspirational writings undertaken by a character, or alter-ego, I call The Storyteller. These may be put together in some kind of published works at some point. But I have been doing these writings on and off for about 35 years  .... so there are literally thousands of pieces that could be used in truth.

With the way the world is shaping up, I anticipate coming out of retirement in 2022 and establishing a new advanced development group. I say advanced, because there is key work to be done, that only accomplished meditators and communicators can undertake There are real supernatural forces at work here, as there has always been. Call it an ongoing spiritual war if you wish ... but we are at a crunch time ... and it is essential that the right vibrations and energies are brought through into the manifest plane to help with aiding Gaia lift her vibration and move the frequency away from the one being created by the parasites.

We will win this war. It's time I got involved. I've been a pedestrian and an observer for most of the lockdown period, occasionally attending and organising talks ... but not much else.

So expect to hear and see more of me next year. There are a set of documentaries I need to make ... to release on Telegram and here on the blog, which will explain my take on what has been going on.... Matthew James