If you are suffering from grief or depression, laughing at a funny joke can bring momentarily relief. Depression is accompanied by suppression of the pleasure-enhancing neurochemicals in the brain. Persons suffering from chronic depression often admit, “Nothing is funny to me.” Laughter reverses this process by triggering the release of feel-good neurohormones, such as endorphins and dopamine. Researchers believe that laughter activates the pleasure pathways in the brain.
Physiologically laughter is just the opposite of the stress response.
Stress and tension elevate stress hormones, tighten muscles, constrict
blood vessels, upset neuro-hormones, depress the immune system, and
overload the heart. Laughter relieves tension, lowers stress hormones,
improves neuro-chemistry, settles the heart, and boosts the immune
system. So, laugh often; it’s good for your health!