Further Reading

Saturday 20 November 2021

Are you a Vaxist? Vaxism is the new Racism

[The Expose]: In the UK you’re legally protected from discrimination by the Equality Act 2010.

It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of: 

-gender reassignment
-being married or in a civil partnership
-being pregnant or on maternity leave
-race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
-religion or belief
-sexual orientation

These are called ‘protected characteristics’. – https://www.gov.uk/discrimination-your-rights

You’re protected from discrimination:

-at work
-in education
-as a consumer
-when using public services
-when buying or renting property
-as a member or guest of a private club or association

Yet care workers are being sacked because they hold the scientifically justified belief that vaccines are dangerous.

So here is the question. Which is the more important to vaccinated people – their PAYCHEQUE or their MORALITY?

You might think the answer is obvious. My morality can wait, my paycheque cannot. That is short term thinking. And it is fundamentally flawed. The purpose of this article is to explain why it is flawed and how we shall eventually defeat this present medical tyranny.

It we all choose our paycheques over our morality. then we permit the government to discriminate against the unvaxxed unchallenged.

We signal to them that they can achieve any goal they wish to achieve through financial pressure.

This will empower them to complete their agenda to take over not just our health through mandatory vaccines, but our lives through a social credit score linked digital smart currency.

They will abolish dead dumb money and replace it with a living smart currency which will require a real time social credit score linked government authorisation for every single financial transaction we do.

Funds available but transaction refused due to insufficient social credit score”, you will be told – by your own money !

It will mean that having the money to pay for something will not guarantee that you can buy it. You will need to have the required social credit score for any particular purchase or deal.

And do not be so naive as to believe that social credit scores will be equitably assigned or implemented. If someone with power does not like you, your credit score will magically drop. The whole system is a fundamental abuse of human rights. So it will be just as abusive in its implementation as it is in its conception.

In other words, your money will no longer be your money. It will be the government’s money. Yes. You will lose your paycheque entirely. We will all lose our paycheques.

But the robbery will not stop there. You will lose not only your paycheque but actually your entire working capital. You will lose all of your savings. You will lose absolutely everything you have. The government will steal every penny and every asset you have..That is what is at stake here.

Slaves do not have financial independence. And economic slavery will follow the immunological slavery as surely as night follows day. Indeed economic slavery is the goal of the immunological slavery we presently face.

If on the other hand we choose morality over paycheque then the unvaxxed will not lose their jobs because sufficient numbers of their work colleagues will resign in support of their rights to work and people will refuse to work for vaxxist employers.

Then the government will lose its bet that we will abandon our morality in order to keep our paycheque. And we will keep both our freedom and our paycheques
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