Further Reading

Tuesday 30 November 2021

“Don’t Socialise Unless Necessary” Warns NHS Test & Trace Boss

 This is the same Jenny Harries, who right at the start of this plandemic globalist genocide agenda was asked by a 'journalist' when we were going back to normal. Her evil reply was 'oh, we are NEVER going back to normal.'

She knew the script then and plays the same script now. Pity for her its all falling apart and her words will not be seen to be prophetic.

She and her evil SAGE cronies are back in the driving seat because their race is now on to kill, kill, kill and kill as many of the useless eaters as they can before their satanic agenda is stopped. They know we are all now getting to know about it. 

[Richie Allen]: Regular listeners of The Richie Allen Show will have heard me use the term lockstep over the years. I’ve used it many times in the past twenty months. It means close adherence to and emulation of another’s actions.

Today, the UK mass media is asking one question. Should Christmas parties be cancelled to help prevent the spread of covid-19 and the deadly new Omicron variant? It’s sickening to listen to it.

Earlier, Dr. Jenny Harries, the head of NHS Test and Trace, told BBC Radio 4’s today programme, that we should limit our social interactions right now. According to The Telegraph:

Dr Jenny Harries, the current head of NHS Test and Trace, has told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that people can do their bit to reduce the spread of the new omicron variant by reducing the number of social contacts they have.

She said that even if our “vaccines appear to be effective, but we find that the variant is more highly transmissible…(it) could still be a significant impact on our hospitals.”

And of course, our behaviours in winter and particularly around Christmas we tend to socialise more so I think all of those will need to be taken into account.”

“So I think being careful, not socialising when we don’t particularly need to and particularly going and getting those booster jobs which, of course, people will now be able to have at a three-month interval from their primary course.

There is no attempt to hide the coercion. I remain stunned that people cannot see it. It’s pretty simple. Out of the blue, they (governments and their scientific advisers) declared the existence of a new covid variant. They said it might beat the jabs and may be more transmissible.

They admitted at the same time that they really didn’t know much about omicron, but what the hell, let’s mandate masks again and reduce the time period between receiving jab 2 and jab 3. All of this occurred in 96 hours.

It is obvious to me, although I can’t prove it, that the omicron variant is pure fiction. It’s a lie and it’s designed to pressure people into rushing back to the vaccination centres for more jabs. It’s farcical. They’re claiming that the new variant might beat the jabs, while telling you to hurry up and have more jabs. Why wouldn’t they wait a few weeks to find out? What’s the rush?

This is all about the jabs. Please, if you’re reading me for the first time, or you have recently stumbled across the radio show, think hard and think fast.

Why are they so desperate to pump you full of these jabs that by their own admission do not stop infection or transmission? Why are they threatening to impose restrictions at Christmas if you don’t keep taking their medicines?

There’s still time to stop it you know and if you’re reading this and you’ve had one or even two jabs and you think “well I might as well keep taking them,” just stop. It’s never too late. It might save your life.