Further Reading

Saturday 27 November 2021

Fake Media Launches Another COVID ‘Scariant’ to Cover Up Wave of Vaccine Deaths

[Humans Are Free]: Important to know before you proceed: The vast majority of new cases of COVID occur in the fully vaccinated, all over the world.

As you’ve noticed over the last two days, the global corporate media psyop spell weavers have puked up another “scariant” called “Nu,” and they are now hyperventilating over it, claiming it has over “30 horrifying mutations” and might spread faster than anything in history.

The underlying message, of course, is that everybody should stop resisting and immediately obey the demands of (corrupt) government.

The thing spreading the fastest, of course, is the media hysteria. A passenger plane that departed from South Africa and landed in Amsterdam was prevented from de-boarding, stranding South African passengers on the plane, all due to mass media hysteria over the new covid “scarient.”

Part of the message being delivered in this mass media scariant panic is that all the vaccines and boosters that people already took are apparently worthless against this new variant. This means that everybody’s vaccine compliance “vaccine passport” status essentially resets to zero.

The entire thing is a rigged criminal scam rooted in fraud and evil. This will never end by complying with it. The people of the world must peacefully rise up and stand strong against the fear campaigns, the bioterrorism and government-run genocide.

The reason this “scariant” was just released in a coordinated media fear campaign, of course, is because humanity is waking up and learning to resist covid tyranny. So the globalists are doubling down on their attacks against humanity, defrosting more bioweapons from Fauci’s freezer collection while pounding the psyche of the population with relentless media fear campaigns.

The good news in all this? If you have natural immunity against covid, you’re naturally immune to all the variants, too.

But the oblivious masses who already took the early covid jabs have destroyed much of their immune function, meaning they are now extremely vulnerable to any new real variant that might emerge, assuming they really exist at all.

Notice, too, how convenient the timing is with all this, where the media now has an excuse for why so many vaccinated people are dying and have compromised immune systems. It’s the variant’s fault!

Bottom line? If you comply, you die.

Do not comply....<<<Read More>>>...