Further Reading

Sunday 28 November 2021

How to Defeat the New World Order Through Peaceful Non-Compliance

[Humans Are Free]: All the world is a stage and everything of importance that occurs on it, is planned to happen that way and it is through this Illuminati system of intertwining secret societies that the entire world is ultimately run. The vital control centers of this mechanism are the three illuminati city states, all of which are seperate self governing states within host countries.

The first is The City of London, which is the Center for Monetary Control, The second is Washintons District of Columbia which is the Center for Military Control and the 3rd is Vatican City which is the center for spiritual Control.

Each City State is a completely seperate, self governed and sovereign state within an external sovereign country. Each has its own laws, its own news services and infrastructure, each pays no taxes to the sovereign country in which it is located and each has its own flag. The flag of each bears 3 Stars signifying the 3 city states.  

These are the Three Illuminati Control Centers of the world. It is from these three centers that control over all aspects of the world is achieved.

So then, who are the controllers and why? Why are they doing this to the human race? When these people already control all the money and all the resources and already start wars and famines at whim, why take it any further? What else is there to gain?

Well… here’s where explanations are decidedly more difficult because even the Illuminati themselves say there is another unseen hand that controls even them, and who this hidden hand may actually belong to, well, that will have to remain the subject of another video but suffice to say for now that the reality is this.

The reality that we live in, what we perceive as being reality, is Not reality. We create what we perceive to be reality with our emotions and our intent. Those who control the human race know this and so do many other cultures. and the evidence to support such an argument being a true, is in fact, quite literally, everywhere....<<<Read More>>>...