Further Reading

Friday 26 November 2021

New research out of the University of Pennsylvania has found that trying to “save” the planet through artificial geoengineering is actually destroying it.

[Humans Are Free]: New research out of the University of Pennsylvania has found that trying to “save” the planet through artificial geoengineering is actually destroying it.

There is no such thing as “global warming” or “climate change,” of course, at least not in the way the “experts” claim. However, this has not stopped deranged lunatics like Bill Gates from [allegedly] trying to stop it with their crazy schemes.

Gates, as we reported a few years back, came up with a plan to inject sulfur particles into the atmosphere to try to block out the sun’s rays from reaching earth. This, he said, would help to “cool” the planet and reduce the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2).

This is a terrible idea because, for one, humans, plants and all living things need sunlight in order to live.

Secondly, it is a certainty that Gates is not smarter than God when it comes to knowing how the universe is supposed to work, sunlight, climate and all....

The idea behind sulfur is that this is the same substance emitted during a volcanic eruption, often blocking out the sun and making everything dark for a period of time. If Gates and other geoengineers get their way, this darkness would be “permanent” in order to “fix” global warming.

During a volcanic eruption, sulfur is emitted into the troposphere, which is about 10 kilometers up from the surface of the earth. Geoengineering sulfur, on the other hand, involves injecting it upwards of 20 kilometers into the stratosphere, which is completely unnatural....<<<Read More>>>...