Further Reading

Thursday 4 November 2021

Shocking Social Experiments Demonstrate Why Conformity and Blind Obedience to Authority Have Gone Viral

 The parasites WANT to think that we are blindly obedient. They HOPE we are blindly obedient. 

They also want to put the message out to those of us who are not, that we are in a minority and all hope is lost. 

When in truth the numbers of those who are not blindly obedient is far more than they can handle.

[Waking Times]: I’m a committed advocate of personal liberty and informed consent, and I can’t possibly fathom turning my sacred body over to the pharmaceutical industry to be a guinea pig in an experimental drug trial. Especially when the institutions pushing this on the world are so brazenly involved in creating the crisis, are censoring any contrarian information or opinions, and have openly stated their plans to use this situation to herd the world’s people into a medical technocracy governed by the creepiest pricks on the planet.

Furthermore, I’m floored by the fact that so many people are not only rushing to participate in all of the mandates, rules, edicts and orders, but also demanding that we non-conformists do the same. Even going so far as to support coercion and segregation of people who dare wish to remain naturally healthy and uncolonized by the pharmaceutical industry.

The social pressure is outstanding, and if I hadn’t been involved in researching the work of the social engineers, mind control experts and propagandists for the last ten years, I might not be able to see what’s really happening.

People keep calling me things like ‘science denier,’ ‘anti-vaxxer,’ or ‘anti-science,’ and while sticks and stones may break my bones, I just can’t get over the sad irony that science also has an explanation for the social conditions we see today.

Because science definitely has something to say about how mass obedience, mass conformity and mass psychosis occur.

Science definitely has a logical explanation for the fact that so many people are willing to put drugs in their bodies without logically assessing the risk vs. reward, or even knowing what’s in the drugs.

Science can most definitely explain why people demand that others take this product, when the product is supposed to offer you protection from those who don’t take the product.

And science can most definitely explain why so many people are uninterested in the declarations of globalist vampires like Klaus Schwab who openly say they want to eradicate the concept of private property, track human beings by the signature of their heartbeat, and read people’s minds to determine if they are threat to the state....<<<Read More>>>>