Further Reading

Friday 31 December 2021

2022 is Here!


Fingers crossed that by the time we reach the end of 2022 things have began to sort themselves out for the better.

Numerology wise 2022 is a 6 vibration. We understand that, by way of soul numerology, as the most emotional and energetic year in the 9 year cycle. It involves being challenged by the emotional body & the heart and not by the logical ruled by the mind. 

It's important in a 6 vibration to listen to what the heart has to say. It's brain is much more linked to our true self than the brain in the head. 

Listen more to that energy field, less logic and more intuition this year. Less fear and more truth. Good luck everyone. It's ever easy to let the reptilean brain go with its fear narratives and survival instinct. It has us mind controlled by its fear control mechanism. Lose that hold and we awaken ... we then rise vibrationally to a point where the sinister 1% can no longer control us. 

When you get there ... you experience the 5th dimensional way of thinking. Freed then from the 3 dimensional Covid box we've been held in for the last 2 years.