Further Reading

Monday 27 December 2021

Among The Moronics

This is going to offend and anger those who are still firm believers of the Covid Vaccinations and that the governments around the world care for our health. Tough. It's time those still brainwashed by the fearmongering and the media fear narratives woke up from their hypnotised slumber before it is too late.

For those who've followed the regime and been double jabbed and have now had the booster, it is too late. It's a matter of time until you learn the terrible truth. Many have woken up to the lies and realised they have been hoodwinked. Double jabbed people are now like us true blood vaccine-free humans, we are the un-vaccinated!

As members of the true blood human world, we visited Skipton in North Yorkshire today and were totally shocked to find ourselves surrounded by the nappy wearing sheep even outside in the street! Moronic Variant masks were everywhere. Most of the wearers had a look of total fear in their eyes when they spotted us going about our daily business face nappy free.

We had our lunch amongst the moronics with no mask on! We ventured around the cafe with our naked face for all the world to see. Whilst those believing that the OMICRON/MORONIC VARIANT is running wild in our once great country, had their various versions of their moronic variant masks on their faces. What a bunch of gullible Homo Moronicus idiots they were ...

How can our bankrupt Government Corporation declare that its Omicron or Delta or any variant out there? Nothing has ever been isolated! NO test can tell them. A debatable positive test is NOT a case. A case only happens when a sample of the said virus is taken from the said human with the positive test and the said sample is compared against a sample of the original virus to see if they are infected with it. Since the original virus, or any of the computer generated variants. don't exist .... nobody can be infected with Covid19!!!

It's all a scam. It's all a psychological operation to brainwash the human race to agree to have a deadly cocktail jabbed into their arm to control some via nanotechnology and to largely kill the rest .... simple.

We noticed signs that stated mask wearing was 'mandatory' .... not wearing a mask is in line with those signs as a mandatory order is a voluntary compliance with that order. If you don't agree to it, then that's fine ... it's your legal choice.

We commented on the high number of government employees that must be out on the streets of Skipton ... for they were all following the corporate law to wear masks. The governments are corporations which makes their laws ... corporate laws ... which can only apply to government employees or idiots who wish to comply with them, because they are totally ignorant of the laws in this country.

It was a sad place to be in truth, as a true blood human 1.0 it is likely a high percentage of the moronics we milled around with in that fine town are now human 2.0 having had the gene therapy that has rendered them transhuman ... no longer recognised by the creator ... becoming the property and slave of the corporation or business that has the patent on the shit in them. Since Aladdin of Blackrock owns most of the world's companies ... it is probable that the A.I computer nicknamed Aladdin is their master. 

Oh dear ....