Further Reading

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Cancel Christmas Now And Celebrate Later Says WHO Dickhead

[Richie Allen]: We should cancel Christmas now and celebrate later, when everyone is safe, says Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He’s the current Director General of The World Health Organisation.

The dickhead told the press last night that having a good old time this Christmas would in his words, lead to “increased cases, overwhelmed health systems and more deaths.”

This is another inversion. Nothing releases the endorphins quite like meeting up with your family and friends, especially at Christmas. It’s about the healthiest thing you can do. Reuniting with loved ones, hugging and kissing them, laughing, eating and drinking, forgetting about work and life, causes an explosion of endorphins in your brain. High endorphin levels enhance your immune response. That’s a scientific fact that you’ll never hear on the radio. When your endorphin levels are high, your stress levels drop. It’s also a natural painkiller. You sleep better too.

Bejesus, you’d think that Ghebreyesus would know this, right?

Of course he does. But he’s not a doctor. He’s the head of a terrorist organisation. That’s right, the WHO is a terrorist organisation. It kills more people annually than ISIS, Al-Qaeda and all the other alphabet terror groups combined.

It does this, by dealing dangerous and unnecessary drugs for the pharmaceutical cartels. Tedros and his gangster pals are not in the healing business. They’re in the killing game.

Of course he wants you to cancel Christmas. Teddy wants you locked down, alone, sad, worried, stressed and hopeless. Gotta block those healing endorphins, right? Feeling blue? Not to worry, Teddy’s pals will sell you some Prozac.

We know that it’s got fuck all to do with covid. Covid, if it even existed, is long gone. By the way, I think that it probably did exist, but we hit herd immunity many months ago. University College London said that herd immunity was reached in the Spring. The media ignored it.

Omicron is bollocks. I am as certain as I can be, that the various variants are fiction, propagated by the media to sell Billy Gates’ dirty needles.

The best thing that you can do for your health and mental wellbeing this Christmas is to surround yourself with the people you love.

Fill your house with friends and family. Go to their houses. Go to the pub. Rejoice, regale, reminisce and romance. Hug your Granny. Hug someone else’s Granny. Sing. For God’s sake, sing. Sing out loud as you walk around the supermarket.

I promise you, you’ll never have felt better.

Merry Christmas.