Further Reading

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Confrontations With The Moronics

 Another day ... and more madness from the moronics; those former rational thinking human beings who have been reduced to hapless victims of the psychological war being unleashed on us.

A trip to a local garden centre, should have been an easy things ... in the pre-covid world it would have been event free. Sadly, the entrance to the said garden centre has a huge sign that states that masks are law and must be worn on the premises.

Really? My naked face wandered through the garden centre and was the ONLY one not covered by a slave mask. I found the item I wished to purchase (Some wall art) and was standing by waiting for a staff member to assist me. I would have been well beyond the 2m social distancing requirement from the moronics walking through the centre. In truth, the nearest moronic would have been around 15m from my naked face, and therefore at no risk.

Sadly, one rather idiotic slave wearing man decided to approach me and voiced the words 'what makes you different to everyone else that you don't need to be wearing a mask? There are over 100,000 cases of the variant at the minute and there's you with no mask.'  I replied curtly with "It doesn't concern you why. My medical information is not something I'm at liberty to share with you. Besides 100,000 fake positive tests are not 100,000 cases. Do some research other than listening to the BBC and you'll learn all about the difference." 

The slave mask bearer ambled off and the shop assistant arrived with my boxed item. At that moment another slave masked man approached me, less than 2m from me I might add, and began to complain about my naked face. I replied then with " I hope you are witnessing this. Here is someone with a medical condition being abused in your shop! Is it company policy to permit this to happen? Get me your manager I wish to lodge a complaint so I can sue this man." She told me she was the manager. I turned to the idiot man and noticed he'd started to walk away from me. Success!

Later today we went for a walk in our local park. It was cold, windy and event free. We did however witness one rather moronic gentleman walking towards us wearing a blue throw away face nappy. What was he expecting to catch outside in the park? Other than a chance to destroy his immune system and becoming more ill than he already appeared to be. Perhaps, he was infected with the Moronic variant and didn't want to spread it. In that case, he should not have been out in the park on a freezing cold day.