Further Reading

Sunday 26 December 2021

EXCLUSIVE: Scotland Yard 'detectives believe Madeleine McCann could still be ALIVE': Bespoke Met Police unit is treating tragedy as a missing person case - despite German authorities insisting snatched girl is dead

 Ever since this story hit the headlines, back in 2007, we'd been adamant that MM was alive. We received ridicule and criticism from other 'reputable' sources at the time for stating this. We received endless issues for our Daily Merlin coverage of the case. We had media sources clearly following our posts with the reporting of their utter bilge at the time. We had forums that made contact with us that helped us investigate our leads in reports we published. So much verifiable information was uncovered. We had Freemason villages throughout the UK, as well as other dodgy organisations, appear on our daily visitor logs. We spotted media cameras poking their lenses out of nearby hotel windows to where we were living in New Zealand at the time. So much of this nobody knows about as we kept it to ourselves; compiling a dossier for if we ever got real grief about the situation. 

We'd embarked on the insights innocently due to some strange happenings occurring before the MM events unfolded, which had mentioned the date of her alleged disappearance.

It all became very real when actually family members contacted us on a regular basis for information. We'd been supplied with personal belongings to assist in our insights. From all of this we continued to supply verifiable information pertinent to the mystery. Researchers can go through our archives to find our trail of information ....

Then it all went quiet. We have barely been posting anything about the case. And now ... the cloud making machine' decides to post an article about MM ... with the headline she is likely to be alive. OF COURSE SHE IS ALIVE. We've said this from day one ....

So we decided to turn the Servants Of The Light cards once more and see what we could see ....

Interesting images appeared indeed. Up at the top is the TEN OF CRESCENTS and the appearance of a couple at a balcony watching the ships (The world) go by. For all the world it seems that the McCann's and their situation has been left alone. That things are as it has been left. MM is missing and that is that. But no. The card directly below this image is THE 8 OF CRESCENTS. It depicts a character coming out of the dark place, shedding light on the situation. Having been paid ... this individual is expected to shed light on the proceedings. We, the public, are never going to know that this information is ... but the STRENGTH card on the bottom, shows a young woman healing a lion. It is best to say that this image is a depiction of the living and breathing MM and her continued health recovery. What health recovery you may ask? That is part of the information the general public will never get to know. 

Let us explore the other images for anything significant. The TEN OF STAVES indicates a man imprisoned in a small cell. Indeed ... there are captured individuals as part of the undercover operation associated with MM's disappearance. The THREE OF SPHERES emanates 'success'. Again information the public will never get to know. Instead the public are made to think that there is still millions of pounds being spent trying to find MM. She has already been found! The spider's web is now being dismantled and its been done in secrecy.

THE HANGED MAN and THE FOOL are the only images that can depict the anomaly. The ritualistic minds behind the entire operation. Those that control the media and those that have been profoundly affected by this operation. It appears some of their own have double crossed them. There is still extreme danger associated with the situation. That's why we firmly believe MM is in safe hands and at a hidden  location. That is until the wolves are no longer at the door. The Hanged Man indicates some kind of Monarch like mind control technology in operation here. Some operatives have been released from that hold while others are being subjected to techniques to extract certain information. Sounds far fetched all of this? And we've barely gone down the rabbit hole with this information ........

The Giver of Staves and the Use Of Staves are also hard to define in this spread. The User is related to those individuals trying to get the real information out of all the falsehood. And those trying to keep everything under wraps. There is so much about the ritualistic minds that should be coming to light, which is still being suppressed by the ritualistic mind's own organisations. But for how much longer? There is a much bigger picture than just MM. She has been a small cog in a massive wheel. She has been the focal point and distraction. The Giver Of Staves could be those behind all of this make believe story being exposed. The McCanns are NOT guilty in any way except for Gerry being an active member of the same secret societies that are being exposed by the whole spider's web being dismantled. This goes far down the rabbit hole. Beyond the freemasons. Beyond The Jesuits. Beyond Opus Dei. Beyond the Vatican ... though it plays a major role in this web. It goes so far down the rabbit hole ....

Now the new's story .... [Daily Bullshit Mail]:  Scotland Yard's Madeleine McCann team has 'more open thinking' and is still treating her disappearance as a missing person's investigation – despite German prosecutors insisting she is dead. Among other theories, the bespoke London unit of officers codenamed Operation Grange is still working on a possibility she may be alive.  Grange is still in an 'active' phase of their probe, using £350,000 from a special grant awarded by the Home Office until 2022 to exhaust all further enquiries. It is in stark contrast to the German authorities who are certain convicted paedophile Christian Brueckner, 43, took and killed Maddie. In almost monthly updates since Brueckner was first named in June 2020, prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters, who is leading that investigation, said police had enough evidence to charge him. But a source confirmed to MailOnline: 'The Met Police's Operation Grange is still running this as a missing person's investigation.Clearly the Met have more open thinking than the German authorities have at the present. Madeleine's parents have always said if they are presented with hard proof she has died they will accept it. But the fact Operation Grange still exists and still gets funding shows the Met still thinks there is still work and investigation to be done.'