Further Reading

Friday 31 December 2021

Here's To A Better 2022

Well ... here we are on the last day of 2021. What a strange year. It's ending like it started, with all of us in effective house arrest with a rogue government dictating globalist legislation, that is based on unfounded claims about an unproven virus.

All made possible by a highly dubious PCR test that churns out positive tests that are NOT cases. But somehow are highly corrupt governments are calling the shots based on specifying these tests are deadly cases of a virus that has never been isolated.

They have been doing this because the gullible human sheep are letting them get away with it. En-masse these moronic human beings are giving their power and their freedom away. Governments only are able to grasp control for their psychotic masters if people let them do it.

Unless we start holding the line and grabbing back what we've given away ... the nappy wearing human slaves are going to land future generations of mankind in eternal tyranny. That was what 2021 was all about. An alleged 'deadly' virus with unlikely variants that has been used by money and power greedy sinister people to take away the lives and the freedoms of what call the useless eaters. These 1% of humans have to be stopped in 2022. Their sinister plans will need to be derailed in the next 12 months. 

Many believe this has already taken place and what were are witnessing is a theatre production. We are 50-50 on these claims. It would be so easy to let our guard down and be taken in by a globalist confidence trick. It's better to be on the cautious side and still be part of the push back by non-compliance.

  1. No to mask wearing under any circumstance ;
  2. No to having any of the gene therapy injections in our arm;
  3. No PCR or lateral flow testing to avoid being part of the BS statistics
  4. No to vaccine passports and Q codes.....

Here's to 2022 being the year we can end this take over of the world by the mentally ill 1%!! It would be good to be proven wrong and the ending of this slavery becoming a reality sooner than later ....