Further Reading

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Introducing The Moronic Delta Variant a.k.a Media Control

When Pinocchio controls the MSM and declares that the emperor really, really, really is wearing new clothes, that's when you know this psychotic world stage show is just about ready to draw to a close.

We're being made to believe that the latest variant ... the Omicron Variant is a horrific super mutation that is going to become the most dominant alleged variant strain in days. 

It's not hard to see that OMICRON = MORONIC; which is not by coincidence. It's been done deliberately. 

Where this moronic variant was first discovered (South Africa) they have declared it is weak and not deadly. However , we've already had too much SAGE this Christmas and its only the third week of December ... our 40+ psychoanalysts in Sage have gone hell for level with their fear narratives to really drive the double VAXXED into a further frenzy to take the FATAL third booster dose of a vaccine that isn't a vaccine that doesn't prevent the takers from catching the thing they are supposedly vaccinated against.

And if that wasn't enough, Moderna,  who over 2 million doses of their toxin to dispose of before its end date, are now having us believe that the Delta Variant and the new Omicron Variant could combine to make another dangerous variant ... 

So, we've given that new fear narrative variant its name for them .... The MORONIC DELTA variant a.k.a MEDIA CONTROL ..... because it is obvious the media are in control of the scared human sheep these days. They will be quivering in fear this Xmas ... adding those issues to their already disappearing natural immune system.