Further Reading

Friday 24 December 2021

Jesus Christ Conspiracy Theorist

[Waking Times]:  To the majority of politically correct conformists of Western Europe, North America and beyond, Jesus Christ is a dangerous subverter of the status quo. This, in spite of the fact that they claim to be adherents of the values he proclaimed.

The message put across by the most followed figurehead of the Christian faith, juxtaposed into this moment of time, is far too radical for any western government to go anywhere near. Yet these same governments – or at least the majority of their members – will proclaim their belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

This goes to the very heart of the definition of ‘hypocrisy’.

To proclaim unity over division, love over hate, freedom of the individual over authoritarian control, justice over injustice and self enlightenment over top down dogma – the central message of Jesus’s teachings – is currently to be labelled ‘not normal’.

To all those who prefer to do what they are told – to be ‘not normal’ means ‘not one of us’ – even if this means supporting a modern day policy of segregation, suppression and slandering of those guilty of of not conforming to ‘the rules of the game’.

Some 2,000 years ago it appears that the same conditions prevailed. To go against them was ‘a criminal offence’. An offence against the diktats of the Holy Roman Empire, and the punishment was to be ostracised, imprisoned or put to death.

The non conformist of the politically correct status quo today is faced by precisely the same techniques of oppression, with only the death sentence being largely outlawed. Which does not mean that those considered the greatest threat to the state won’t ‘loose their lives’ via some covert secretive way or other.

Jesus stood fully against fascism, many facets of which were at large amongst the corrupt officials of the Roman Empire. He also exposed the fake officialdom and materialistic ambitions of the clerks, stewards and ‘money hoarders’ who dominated the great cities of that era.

Has anything changed?...<<<Read More>>>...