Further Reading

Monday 20 December 2021

Media Claims Antivaxxers Block-Booking Appointments To Disrupt Rollout

 Dirty deflection tactics by the globalist owned scumbag MSM. It's the only weaponry left at their disposal it seems ... the truth about the bioweapons are out there and this all they have left.

The mental retards in the government are following their puppet orders and causing shit and the vaccine-free get the rap.  

We hope the vaccine free are responsible. They are being humane and trying to save lives unlike the government and their cronies who are out to kill as many innocent lives as they can.

[Richie Allen]: here are reports this morning that so-called antivaxxers are booking out slots at vaccination centres to disrupt the UK government’s booster-jab programme.

According to The Telegraph:

The tactic has reportedly been used before at other sites, but it is understood some slots were booked out at Wembley Stadium on Sunday….

Wembley Stadium was operating as a mass vaccination site on Sunday, with staff hoping to deliver 10,000 jabs through booked appointments and walk-ins.

Dr Vijay Tailor, a GP in North West London who was working at the site, told the BBC the centre was “running smoothly”, adding: “If we can get 10,000 today, that will be excellent.”

Some staff said patients had not arrived for their bookings and the centre was “really quiet” by mid-morning. But a spokesman for North West London Integrated Care System said: “Any suspected disruption has been offset by the number of walk-ins, including thousands of local residents, many of whom have made a big step in coming forwards to start their vaccination journey, as well as very high numbers of boosters.”

The Telegraph doesn’t present any evidence that antivaxxers are attempting to disrupt the rollout by making fake bookings. However, the broadcast media has jumped on the story and is reporting it as fact. I think that it’s part of a propaganda war on those of us sensible enough to refuse the jabs.

Yesterday, Health Secretary Sajid Javid said that the un-jabbed were taking up hospital beds. He told SKY News presenter Trevor Philips:

“People have had over a year, almost a year now to get vaccinated, there’s still 10 per cent of our population that have chosen for whatever reason not to get vaccinated. And I just cannot emphasise enough the impact that they are having on the rest of society.

They must really think about the damage they are doing to society, they take up hospital beds that could have been used for someone with maybe a heart problem, or maybe someone is waiting for elective surgery, but instead of protecting themselves and protecting the community they choose not to get vaccinated. They are really having a damaging impact.”

Trevor Philips of course, is wretched. He could have reminded Javid that his government murdered hundreds of thousands of people by turning the NHS into the Covid Health Service. It was Javid’s government, not antivaxxers, that told millions of people they would have to wait for scans, tests and operations that were necessary to save or extend their lives.

Currently, there are 6 million people in the UK waiting for treatment they should have had last year. How many of them will die as a result of the government’s decision to deny them treatment? How many of them will take their own lives?

How dare Javid or anyone else blame antivaxxers for heaping pressure on the National Health Service! Damn the media for letting him get away with it.