Further Reading

Friday 24 December 2021

Objective:Health - Omicron: The Deadliest Decepticon the Autobots Have Ever Faced

 [SOTT]: Omicron is the most merciless and powerful Decepticon ever to emerge from the planet Cybertron, driven by a need to destroy all humans. But he can't be seen, smelled or heard - you may be being attacked by Omicron right now, and you wouldn't even know it! Ever! Unless you had a test to determine that you were being attacked by him. But even then, you wouldn't be sure. That's how evil he is.

Omicron has the power to kill all those who dare to defy our leader's lockdown orders, no matter how ridiculous they may seem. He can overrun hospitals and health care facilities even without increasing total admissions. He can unflatten curves at the snap of his evil fingers. The only thing he hungers for more than killing people who don't wear diapers on their faces, go out after 8pm or socially mix with people they don't have to, is the complete and total destruction of Christmas (Omicron hates Christmas).

Do the Autobots have the power to destroy Omicron? Will their ultimate weapon, "The Science," be enough to take down their mightiest foe? Will the complete eradication of small businesses and personal livelihood prove to be enough to stop this evil menace?...<<<Read More>>>...