Further Reading

Saturday 25 December 2021

'The Proverbial Straw'

So many legends … so many half truths … so much rewritten history to hide that which cannot ever see the light. The world of man … where it is impossible to know for sure what really went on … and what is going on. And the death cult just love it that way … so they can hide there sinister madness down the rabbit holes. Deep down in the unseen underground hell holes where their nasty plots can be enacted … and their evil manifested. So it can seep up through the soils into the lives of all those unsuspecting humans … who know not what they are.

For their origin and their very existence is a mystery … and that sadly is the reality they face each and every day. So few know just how powerful their thoughts are … their actions are … if only they knew the truth …They could lift the laser sword from the stone and claim their light … and realise the Vikings were eight feet tall and originated from the far west … beyond the ring of ice … their home on lands that are kept hidden from mankind. If only they knew that the space craft that come a visiting … come from far beyond the ice wall too. Quite possibly visits from their long forgotten ancestors …

But all of this is deliberately kept hidden from the masses … histories written by kept filed away in the Vatican. The stolen capital of the hidden Tartarian realm … the former earth buried deep in the mud …Which can be seen to have surfaced in all the wondrous ancient buildings that litter the earth … Who’s origins are recorded as utter lies … by the death cult … quite possibly out of desperation. For they are not as in control as they would like to be … for universal consciousness is well and truly alive in Eden.

And descendants of Tartaria and Hyperborea walk the earth today awakening the masses at this point in time. And the parasites are desperate for that awakening to be shut down …But once it starts it cannot be ended … and the outcome is always the same … an end of the age of darkness comes. And it is fast approaching despite the best attempts by the sinister ones to silence the light voices …They cannot prevent the proverbial straw to break the camel’s back … that straw is about to be placed. And when it does … the tower of cards comes crashing down.

There will only be one winner … and the skies will be filled with aetheric lights and sounds again. As all can be healed with the light of the truth no matter how injured they are …And if they choose to remain they can … but many will move on to the 5th dimension …To meet with the Hyperboreans who are already there awaiting their arrival …That is a fable hopefully to come to pass … for no human truly knows.

But it would be good to venture as a traveller of the freed earth … to see the true north pole. To behold the four islands then venture like Maelduin into the otherworld or worlds. And see beyond the ice walls at all the other places denied to human eyes ... Surely that would be a world worth living in … a place worth visualising ….. if it can ever come to pass? Furthest west may as yet be only fable recorded on the face of the moon and in old maps. But at some point in past history humans must have ventured to there.To do so again could be a dream come true ….And what would we find there? Places of old that we would recognise perhaps … hints of our true ancestry even? How can we know at this point in our history for those truths have been denied to us … But some time in the future who knows … it could come to pass ….

Copyright Matthew James 24.12.21