Further Reading

Tuesday 25 January 2022

2022: Why Society is Moving Into Spiritual Realignment – “Gateway 2”

[Wake Up World]: 5GATEWAYS is a profound route-map that’s come to us from the ancients. It can chart the shift and the challenges we must unfold through. You can, for example, see clearly how the plandemonium manifested because the energy of the shift was emerging from the physical density – the shadow lurking there was projected out into society. The clear invitation was to reclaim soul sovereignty. Now, with 2022, the shift is moving onto the plane of emotions, inviting a “Realignment” to soul-led decision-making in life. This is no easy shift. It will challenge you on all levels and especially in relationships.

It’s time for core-splitting self-honesty and going with the pull of the soul.
No matter what.

Before the shift, you’re mentally deciding what job to do, where to live, how to act within relationships – all choices of what to “do” – the mind is simply so accustomed to forming goals, agendas, false dreams, illusionary needs and aspirations. People approach practically every circumstance and engagement with other people with the mind in the mode… “how can I shape this to fit my agenda” (even if the agenda is well-intentioned). Either that, or each engagement is controlled and restricted by fears, need to control, or sense of obligation and responsibility.

In the shift around Gateway 2, a huge change is invited: In the face of being impelled to make conditioned, reactive, mind-led decisions, you’re caused to let go, expand into the opening inner space and instead, find an authentic way to be. If you can hold back the pre-conditioned programmed behaviours, which want to automatically kick in, and we instead open a wider internal space, then there’s the opportunity for the soul simply to arise. It will express through you, aligned with who you truly are.

Let’s be clear, this is no easy shift to make. You’ll have created a landscape around you based on conditioned desires, needs and fears – co-dependency in relationships for example. The soul will want to test all of these ties so that you’re free to make authentic choices beyond the bounds of labels and fixations into the outer world. It will feel like you’re being pulled in two different directions. It will challenge the nature of every rigid fixation with life....<<<Read More>>>...