Further Reading

Sunday 2 January 2022

2022 Will Mirror 2021 Unless We Openly Disobey Unscientific Tyranny

 [Humans Are Free]: To those who have been paying attention since the beginning of the pandemic, the authoritarianism currently unfolding in front of us was easily predictable.

In fact, in March of 2020, TFTP predicted mandatory injections, the police state, and travel restrictions. This doesn’t make us special or psychic, it is easy to deduce once you realize the nature of the state and their tendency to use the only tool in their toolbox to tackle problems faced by society. That sole tool is force.

While the intentions of the state may have been noble at first in order to prevent transmission of the virus, thanks to their tendency to use force without question, their noble intentions quickly became a conduit for tyrants to usurp your freedoms.

“Give us your freedom, and we will make the pandemic go away,” was the mantra of team lockdown and, despite completely eroding what little freedom Americans had left, we are seeing yet another large spike in cases and hospitalizations.

One need only look at Australia and the sheer Nazi-esque approach they took to covid to see that no amount of police state can stop a virus. Over the last year, Australia has beaten, kidnapped, arrested, and harassed anyone who didn’t toe the line and submit to their authority. A few months ago, they even began kidnapping completely healthy people and locking them up in internment camps for merely being exposed to someone who may have been positive with covid.

The country has fallen. Everyone was locked down and everyone was vaccinated, yet covid did what covid does. Despite becoming one of the most tyrannical countries on the planet in regards to the pandemic, Australia is seeing its largest spike of cases since the covid hysteria began....<<<Read More>>>...