Further Reading

Monday 17 January 2022

38% Of Global Population Yet To Have A Single Covid Jab

[Richie Allen]: More than three billion people are yet to have a single covid-19 jab, according to the World Health Organisation. That’s roughly 38 per cent of the global population. Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s emergencies programme said that the acceptance of vaccination is not a “moral grey area.”

According to The Telegraph:

He said: “Please remember this isn’t an individual moral issue. If you’re offered a vaccine, take the vaccine. If you’re offered a second vaccine, take the vaccine. If you’re offered a booster, take the booster.

“No individual on this planet should feel they’re the ones in a moral grey zone.

“If you’re offered the vaccine, take it.”

Dr Ryan said countries could do more to ensure vaccine equity, adding: “If we can’t address the simple issue of the equity of every individual on the planet having access to a protective course of vaccine against a pandemic – if we can’t do that – how in God’s name are we likely to deal with the bigger issues of climate justice and social justice that we face in the world?”

He sounds pretty desperate doesn’t he? There never was a pandemic. Most people never contracted covid-19. Of those who did, the great majority of them never had any symptoms. The WHO has admitted this.

Never forget either that University College London declared in July 2021, that the UK had achieved herd immunity, predominantly through natural infection. Do look it up.

Covid-19, by their own admission is a relatively mild respiratory infection that can be problematic for the very elderly and people with debilitating or life-limiting medical conditions. The average age of a covid death is 83. Life expectancy in the UK is 82.

You know all this of course, but it bears repeating. There is no pandemic. There was never any emergency.

So why, oh why are they so desperate for every citizen on earth to take repeated doses of a medicine that they do not need and that is causing the most severe injuries in many?

Apply the principle of Occam’s Razor and you’ll get there quickly enough.