Further Reading

Thursday 6 January 2022

British PM Boris Johnson steps in it with COVID hospitalization stat; admits 90% of ICU patients are DOUBLE-vaxxed

[Natural News]: The globalist powers that be are running out of excuses to continue draconian measures including masking, lockdowns and vaccine mandates as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread in successive waves, so they have now entered the realm of the absurd, as demonstrated by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson last week.

Most of his country is vaccinated, fully, for the virus, with more than half having already received a booster vax as well. But despite that, he is clinging to all of the old measures to ‘fight the spread of the virus’ even while admitting that they aren’t working.

According to 100% Fed Up:

…Johnson has reported that the overwhelming majority of people who are in the ICU with COVID are already double-vaxxed. Johnson was trying to use this stat as a public plea to those who have not yet received their booster vaccine, but all he accomplished was further showcasing the ineffectiveness of the vaccine.

“According to some of the surveys I’ve seen 90 percent of people in ICU are people who are not boosted,” said Johnson. He also said that he “cannot stress enough how vital it is” to receive a booster jab.

But they are vaccinated; just not boosted. So that’s the new standard for this week, as the omicron variant — which is far less lethal and potent — spreads. How will the powers that be define the vaccine standard next month? Next year?

“First, it was the vaccine that would protect you, then the booster, and now it’s looking like a 4th vaccine will be added to the mix,” the media outlet reported. “All this confirms for the public is how little these people really know about the vaccine they are forcing on everyone.

“Those in positions of power will continue to push for the newest vaccine, blaming people who get the virus for not having the latest jab, rather than stepping back and considering the fact that maybe the vaccines are really not all that effective against COVID after all,” 100% Fed Up continued....<<<Read More>>>...