Further Reading

Thursday 27 January 2022

German politician says oppressive covid measures for unvaccinated were based on “software error”

[Natural News]: After months of vilifying the non-jabbed and calling the current situation a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is backing off and blaming his earlier statements on a “software error.”

Back in November, corporate news outlets were reporting an increase in “incident” numbers throughout Hamburg. The claim was that in a matter of just a few days, the “case” rate for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) grew from 111.6 infected people per 100,000 to 160 people per 100,000.

As November progressed, that number grew to 209.2 cases per 100,000 people, only to jump at the end of the month to an all-time high of 223.3 cases per 100,000 people.

These erroneous figures, which we now know were basically manufactured out of thin air, were used as an excuse to legitimize a fresh wave of covid tyranny called “2G.”

That scheme involved requiring people to be either vaccinated or “recovered” from a “positive” covid test in order to enter shops, eat at restaurants, or go to clubs. The unvaccinated were also told that they needed to avoid all social contact.

Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher helped fuel the hysteria by claiming that only the “vaccine” would bring Germany out of the covid nightmare.

Now, an investigation by the newspapers Sueddeutscher Zeitung and Welt found that the spike in cases touted by Lauterbach and Tschentscher was not actually real.

Hamburg’s social services departments drastically skewed the numbers to create the illusion of another disease “wave” among the unvaccinated, when the reality is that these agencies did not even know at the time who was vaccinated and who was not....<<<Read More>>>...