Further Reading

Tuesday 4 January 2022

How to Break Free of Fear Addiction – Be Brave, Speak Out, Find Your Tribe

[The Expose]: Fear is one of the most powerful motivators of behaviour and, clearly, people’s behaviour has been massively manipulated through the use of fear these past two years.

“The wool wasn’t pulled over our eyes on March 15 [2020]. this process actually began a long time before that. What we’ve had, and have been suffering from, is a slow grooming effort by government, by corporations, by wealthy, powerful individuals for a number of decades.

Obviously, hiding under your desk is not going to protect you from a nuclear bomb. And yet, we were all told to do this … This practice, in my view, instilled in children a sense of fear, a sense of vulnerability and a reliance on a higher power — not God, but a higher human power, usually an authoritarian power, the power of schools or officials to protect you from this very unspecified, vague … threat.” The fearmongering about climate change and ecosystem collapse also falls under this “grooming. 

One likely reason why outright nonsensical countermeasures have been embraced is because fear paralyses rational thinking. People who are terrified of dying from Covid cannot comprehend how ridiculous masking is because they cannot reason their way through the problem logically. What’s more, they don’t want to....<<<Read More>>>...