Further Reading

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Leaving an Obsolete System Behind

[Waking Times]: There is no doubt that humanity has entered a new phase along its developmental journey. We are now observing a grand restructuring of human society and its many systems: financial, technological, political, cultural, and more. I have already spoken about how this is creating great discomfort and dissonance for many people. 

This is inevitable, for great upheavals are rarely smooth or without disturbances and ripples. A new phase is emerging as the current phase is fragmenting; and like two stones thrown into a pond, they each create interference waves that clash. The important point here is where a person chooses to position themselves. 

A new way of life can be brought into being, yet it must be birthed from within the current one as it breaks up.

For a time, both worlds will co-exist in the same physical space although they shall occupy a different energetic space. Where a person can position themselves is to be in the world that is emerging yet not of the world that is on the way out. Although one phase has ended, there are those groups/agencies who have vested interests in maintaining this world, and they are desperately attempting to re-model it with a new facelift – as a technocracy. 

There will be a stealthy attempt at a makeover, to present the ‘new future’ in terms of an artificial, synthetic future. Yet this is not an evolutionary future for humanity. The new emerging world will remain organic, natural, and in biological balance. This is the model that shall come forth – not a false future in shiny metal.

We should take heed from the wise words of Buckminster Fuller: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”...<<<Read More>>>....