Further Reading

Monday 3 January 2022

Omicron & Beyond in 2022

To kick off our intentions for 2022, we've chosen to use the infamous Aleister Crowley THOTH tarot deck to ask this first question, and set our insights off for the year.

The question was "Without a shadow of a doubt; revealing things as they are likely to be, based on current situations,  for better or for worse; where are we up to in the world by June 2022? Is it going to plan for the globalists wanting human depopulation and digital control; or are the people winning this war"?

The resultant images reading from left (the current day) to the middle and then to the right (December 31st 2022):

[1]     2nd January to 5th June 2022 - 8 of Wands; Death, The Devil (Reversed)

[2]    6th June 2022 ('666') - 8 of Swords, The Tower, 4 of Swords

[3]    7th June to 31st December 2022 - 3 of Swords (Reversed), The Hanged Man, 5 of Disks (Reversed).

Interpretation (Based on Tarot Deck Booklet and our insights)

  [1]    The 8 of Wands is swiftness and represents the light being shone on that which has been hidden. An energy of high velocity in motion. It is at the top of the enclosure so can be deemed as a positive influence. Death indicates redemption through purification and suggests the 'great reset' process of ending the old normal to force through their new normal scenario. This is neither good or bad, as both forces in the conflict are involved in bringing forward their own version of this. The Devil (Reversed) in a 'negative' position in the enclosure needs to be read carefully. Those behind the Globalists are 'devil worshippers' and have devoted this great work to their false saviour. Therefore it is no surprise this image has appeared somewhere in the spread. They take their works seriously, and obviously are in contact with some incredibly negative beings. There is a strong indication of recklessness linked to their actions. Do they get the outcome they so desire? It is suggested it will be ripped from their grasp. We've received insights of their being a 'honey trap' operation to snare all those associated with the devil. 

[2]    And so the 6th June 2022, which is undoubtedly a key date in the Globalist calendar as it can be seen to represent the 6 - 6 - 6 which they are seemingly so obsessed with; but does not represent the devil at all. It has been used to try to wind the 'useless eaters' up. The 8 of Swords is interference which is a keyword for what is going to occur this year. Those who are intent on our downfall are intellectually and technologically powerful but have no concept of compassion/empathy and other high vibration energies. There is a carelessness on their part for not fully appreciating what these high end vibrations can do to interfere with their plans when enough humans share the high end energies. The Tower has an alternate meaning of 'house of god' and represents two possible paths; one of utter destruction and the other of purification. It can apply to both sides of the coin. But it appears the overwhelming numbers of people standing against the globalists, and holding the line, will start to have a positive effect by the middle of the year. The 4 of Sword must be read in its most negative aspect being at the bottom of the enclosure. It's meaning is that of truce ... which is something the globalists are never likely to subject themselves to. Its not going to be easy to get them to surrender their power so even when the end seems to be nigh, our wonderful MSM outlets will still be printing dogma and misinformation to snare the unwary and play with the intellect. Even when those in the know are aware the globalists are beaten, there will still be fear narratives relating to another variant; the vaccine passports; the so called Covid deaths etc etc being pumped out ... its a cover story to hide what is really going on.   

[3]   The 3 of Swords (Reversed) indicates the opposite to the card meaning which is sorrow. This change in energy fields will begin slowly we insight ... and will build through the second part of the year. We've been travelling the darkness of the great sea ... and the second part of the year is the dawn after the time of the great darkness, basically. The Hanged Man or the 'Dying God' s a representation of 'illusion'. We'd been duped into giving up our freedom and making needless sacrifices ... and in the latter part of the year the truth about the Covid-19 illusion going come more and more into the public eye. So much of the deception is likely to be appearing in the main stream. 5 of Disks (Reversed) is to be read in its negative aspect as it is at the bottom of the enclosure. However a 'negative of a negative' is a positive. So the card has the meaning of sorrow ... which will be overturned in some way later in the year. 

Copyright - Matthew James 2022.