Further Reading

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Oxford Professor: “Masking Kids Is Illogical & Irrational”

[Richie Allen]: A leading epidemiologist has claimed this morning, that masking schoolchildren is illogical and that the available observational data demonstrates that mask mandates do not work.

Sunetra Gupta is Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at the Department of Zoology at Oxford University. Writing in today’s Telegraph she said:

“The argument for masking children, or obliging them to be vaccinated against a pathogen that is less likely to kill them than many others in normal circulation, should have stopped at the level of logic rather than continuing into a debate over its ethical and political implications.

Neither masks nor vaccines can reliably prevent children from passing Sars-CoV-2 onto others, and I worry for the unvaccinated grandparent in a multi-generational household who believes themselves to be protected because their grandchild is attending school with an unpleasant (and environmentally unfriendly) piece of material on their face…

I remain convinced that many people (including my cousins in India) have lost their lives labouring under this misapprehension.

There is now ample observational data to suggest that mask mandates do not work, and the few formal trials that have been conducted show no credible effect. The failure of the modelling exercises conducted by Sage and their satellites in predicting cases and deaths allows us to reject the role of such non-pharmaceutical interventions in driving the dynamics of spread.”

Gupta says that mere logic dictates that masking and jabbing children is foolish and dangerous. She’s right to highlight the ridiculous modelling that was used to justify mask mandates and jabbing kids to protect Granny.

However, Gupta, like her Oxford colleague Carl Heneghan, will not ask why. Gupta must know that SAGE knows what she knows. So, why then? What’s really going on? She won’t go there. None of them will.