Further Reading

Monday 31 January 2022

Preparing humanity for the ABUNDANCE ECONOMY that will rise from the ashes of engineered scarcity

[Natural News]: The entire global economic system under which we’ve all lived is rooted in artificial scarcity and control. That system is coming to an end. It is self destructing because it is based entirely on endless debt creation rather than productivity.

Much of America’s economy today is nothing but “financialization” activity — bankers, hedge fund managers and government officials creating the illusion of economic prosperity by shoveling around various instruments based on debt and derivatives. This is all achieved through the tyrannical, monopolistic enforcement of scarcity, making sure the people are forever operating from a place of scarcity rather than abundance.

For example, the entire medical system is based on scarcity and deprivation of medicine. The FDA’s never-ending attacks on ivermectin, medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements is all part of a war on humanity to deprive people of affordable, abundant medicine that can save lives and end the covid pandemic.

Similarly, centralized money printing (“official” counterfeiting) keeps the corrupt, criminal government in power, while the massive money printing loots the masses of the purchasing value of their dollars. As long as the power to create money rests solely with the corrupt, criminal government, the people will never be free (by design)....<<<Read More>>>...