Further Reading

Monday 3 January 2022

What Dr. Robert Malone could NOT tell Joe Rogan

[Natural News]: Joe Rogan’s interview with Dr. Robert Malone was, without question, one of the most important interviews of 2021. The interview has been reposted numerous times across free speech video sites. Here’s a link on Brighteon to view the entire three hours.

Dr. Malone is very smart to stick to the facts of what he knows, and he repeatedly told Rogan that he was not going to speculate on the motivations or mindset of those who are running the global covid vaccination scheme. This is exactly the right strategy for Malone because he stays in his lane of science, evidence and data-driven explanations. Dr. Malone is getting red-pilled at breakneck speed, so he’s probably aware of all this (at least that’s my guess). He knows the behavior of Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Media and Big Tech isn’t just one giant coincidence. It’s a plan. And every plan has a desired outcome.

The motivation behind everything Dr. Malone explains to Rogan in the interview is simply inescapable. Why are hospitals and governments throwing out all the rules of medical ethics? Why are they suppressing early treatments that would save lives? Whey are they incentivizing hospitals to diagnose more people with covid? Why are they using a PCR test that lacks specificity and can be turned up to produce false positives? Why is the media lying about all this? Why is Big Tech censoring scientists and anyone else who disagrees with the official narrative?

And most importantly, why are the governments of the world in a mad panic to inject as many people as possible with mRNA nanoparticles that override their protein synthesis and turn their bodies into spike protein (bioweapons) factories?

The answer is obvious and inescapable: They are trying to achieve global depopulation. There is no other explanation that fits the observed behavior. Dr. Malone no doubt sees this but, for good reason, won’t speculate about it. It’s difficult to prove the state of mind of government leaders or globalists. But their actions tell the real story here: Yes, they are deliberately trying to exterminate as many human beings as possible. 

We are living through a global genocide campaign. Planetary-scale ethnic cleansing.

Once you realize there is a panicked, coordinated global effort to exterminate the human race and “reboot” planet Earth without human beings existing here, the obvious question becomes: Who is behind all this?...<<<Read More>>>...