Further Reading

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Will 2022 be a year of change – or increasing despotism?

[Natural News]: The Covid lockdowns weren’t just a boring and stressful time that nearly killed the economy – they also gave the government a taste of what it’s like to use its police state powers. Now, vaccine mandates and contact tracing programs are feeding this need for them, and it won’t be surprising if this continues to get worse, all in the name of protecting us from ourselves. 

All they have to say is that they’re doing it because of the pandemic or for national security reasons, and they can pretty much get away with anything.

Although the outlook for this year is “grim,” all hope is not lost. Those of us who can do our part locally to try to set things right and fix what is broken can start to chip away at what is going wrong and hopefully get back to a world where freedom actually means something. “’We the people’ are the hope for a better year.”...<<<Read More>>>....