Further Reading

Monday 21 February 2022

5D Ascension: Messenger of the Divine – Being a Bridge Between Worlds

[Wake Up World]: Plenty are waking up and realising just how defunct society has become. The heart quickly yearns for a higher truth, a higher harmony. You realise it is already there in 5D. But how can you live it with others still in the collective coma? Here’s where a shift in perception is necessary: you’re becoming a bridge, with one foot on both banks. By integrating the diplomatic quality of the soul, the “Ray 4”, you can find a way to harmonise with both realities…

It is no secret that we live in a world that is horrendously out of balance with nature and therefore out of alignment with the natural harmony of the universe. In a universe of cause and effect, such misalignment will always draw a realigning force. Major change is already underway, but don’t be surprised as the mud at the bottom of the stream gets churned up first.

As separation consciousness exploded outwards at the “Bigbang” and then condensed into form, so Unity Consciousness continues to destabilise outdated structures, it stirs them up and strips out the old density so it can then crystallise a higher harmony. Unity Consciousness is the universe’s organising energy, the pull of love, which you can feel in your heart when you surrender to the natural flow of life.

Many people have now awakened, and more than ever, are feeling the inner compulsion to ‘be the change’. It involves honouring and expressing your heartfelt truth in every moment, not just with words, but in every physical, emotional and mental action that you take. It leads to an internal cleansing of blocked energy and outdated, distorted behaviour patterns. This form of love is the fuel of inner alchemy, which supports the progressive transformation of our world as it shifts into 5D....<<<Read More>>>...