According to official data, New South Wales (NSW) Australia has seen confirmed Covid-19 cases increase ten-fold since the middle of December 2021, breaking records for the number of confirmed cases in the region since Covid-19 first struck in March 2020.
On the 14th Dec 21, NSW recorded 1,347 cases in a single day. But fast forward one month and we can see that the state recorded 48,133 cases in a single day on the 14th Jan 22.
The same can be said in terms of Covid-19 deaths. Since the new year deaths have skyrocketed to the highest levels seen throughout the entire pandemic.
On the 29th Dec 21, NSW recorded just a single Covid-19 death, but fast forward to the 17th Jan 22 and we find that the state of NSW recorded 36 Covid-19 deaths in a single day, the highest number recorded to date.
But it isn’t the unvaccinated population who are accounting for the record breaking number of Covid-19 cases and deaths, it’s the fully vaccinated...<<<Read More>>>...