Further Reading

Sunday 27 February 2022

Biden’s handlers want him to launch “massive cyberattacks” against Russia… ESCALATION of world war now guaranteed

 [Natural News]: In retaliation for its invasion of Ukraine, those who pull the puppet strings of Geriatric Joe have reportedly presented him with a “menu” of options for carrying out “massive cyberattacks” against Russia.

Four “anonymous insiders” told NBC News that fake “president” Joe Biden could be just days away from hitting the launch button on an array of preselected targets that Joe’s handlers believe would most cripple Vladimir Putin’s military operations in Ukraine.

“You could do everything from slow the trains down to have them fall off the tracks,” one person who claims to have been briefed on the matter said.

While no final decisions have yet been made, United States intelligence and military cyber warriors are said to be proposing the use of American cyber weapons “on a scale never before contemplated.”

“Among the options: Disrupting internet connectivity across Russia, shutting off electric power, and tampering with railroad switches to hamper Russia’s ability to resupply its forces, three of the sources said.”

This could all just be saber-rattling, of course, as it is currently unknown whether or not the American war machine has that type of capability. It is also a fact that Russia has the ability to disconnect itself from the worldwide internet, which could easily be used by the military-industrial complex to make such a claim.

Still, the news is getting out there and China Joe is the guy who will apparently be pulling the trigger....<<<Read More>>>...