Further Reading

Sunday 20 February 2022

How the Great Reset Tyranny is Turning Into the Great Awakening

[Humans Are Free]: There are few words to describe the depth of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s depravity. I’m not going to even try.

This is a person (because no real man would ever govern like him) is so thoroughly ill-prepared for its job it doesn’t even know how to properly read from the prepared script.

It was all fun and games making Trudeau/Hitler memes until yesterday when Trudeau’s enforcers on horseback trampled an old woman:

A man with any sense of decency does not send men on horseback into a crowd. The only thing worse than that are the people commenting on this saying some variation of ‘well, she deserved it.’

Yes, she could have gone home.

Yes, she could have gotten the clot-shot.

Yes, she could have just complied with whatever Justin Trudeau told her what her morality was.

But Trudeau could have chosen differently as well. As opposed to acting like a scared little boy worried about facing public ridicule, he could have sacked up and met with the protestors.

Instead, he did what all boy-emperors have ever done, he chose violence and intimidation.

Those who blame the victims are worse than Justin Trudeau. They will never admit it, even to themselves, but their belief in the state as moral arbiter is shaken to its foundation when things like this happen.

So they bluster about playing stupid games, win stupid prizes. Empathy? Who needs that in Davos’ Brave New World.

Those against the protests have their reasons, none of them, however, are morally justified. Because if you allow the state, an immoral construction at its core, to define your morality, you will forever having to justify tyranny to remain on the side of the angels.

Blaming the victim is the easiest thing to do. How many rapists have claimed “she had it coming?” How many abusers every day blame the people they abuse because they are too ashamed to admit they are in the wrong?..<<<Read More>>>...