Further Reading

Tuesday 22 February 2022

The Jabbed Loathe The Unjabbed But We Couldn’t Care Less

[Richie Allen]: A study has found that the jabbed don’t think particularly fondly of those of us who said “get that shit way from me!” Quelle surprise. However, the study also found that we couldn’t give a rats arse about the them. I mean, it’s their body, right?

According to The Times:

The scientists behind the findings, which involved more than 10,000 people in 21 countries, suggest that they further demonstrate the splintering of society as a result of the pandemic, the unvaccinated joining other previously maligned minorities.

Two years into the Covid response they said that the vaccinated maintained “stereotypic inferences that unvaccinated individuals are untrustworthy and unintelligent, making the antipathy resemble prejudice towards other deviant groups”

The study, published before peer review, involved presenting people with a short pen portrait of a fictitious person listing general attributes such as age, occupation and personality.

This description also included their vaccination status. Respondents were asked how happy they would be for a close relative to marry that person.

Among the vaccinated there was a 13 percentage point drop in approval. This was two and a half times the size of the disapproval exhibited if they were presented with a potential partner who was a Middle Eastern immigrant, a group chosen because they experience widespread prejudice.

That last line made me laugh, hard. Manchester United fans sometimes sing a crude and some would say racist chant at Liverpool and Everton fans. It goes; “I’d rather shag a Paki than a Scouse!”

I’ve seen Asian United fans sing it. In fact, back in 2004, I took a Pakistani friend of mine and his extended family to Old Trafford to watch Wayne Rooney make his debut.

My mates nephew Bilal, went through the full repertoire, including the timeless classic “we all hate Leeds scum.” I nearly passed out laughing however, when he lustily belted out “I’d rather shag a Paki.” These days he’d be thrown out. Irony is dead.

Presumably, vaccinated football fans will now add the unjabbed to the list of groups of people eminently less shagable than Pakistanis.

It really is Vaudeville, isn’t it?

I pity those who have had jab after jab after jab. They were duped. It’s beginning to dawn on them. Rather than focus their ire on the liars and witchdoctors who terrorised them into playing Russian roulette with their health, they blame those of us who knew better.

Love them anyway.